I think it's safe to say that I am a runner now. I can easily do three miles and am contemplating a 10k next spring. I'm into the pace, the distance, the experience more than I ever thought was possible. In fact, 6 years ago, we came to Rochester to visit my brother/sister in law and watched some family members run in a 5k. I distinctly remember saying to J "Why the hell would anyone waste their time running" and now, here I am. But, instead of seeing it as a waste of time, I have found it to be a much needed release for me.
I look forward to the times when I can run and really start to miss it when I don't. It's when I can clear my mind, devise blog topics and hash them out without interruption,
have a break from the girls, solve problems, feel good about myself and accomplish a goal. Very few facets of my life allow me to do that and it's why it's come to mean so much to me. And then there are the obvious health benefits...the muscle development, the changes in the shape of my body etc. It's such a win-win for me. Its' also become a social outlet of sorts, as it has given me common ground with some truly amazing women that I have known for a while, but never really had a chance to connect with. Just discussing training, races or knowing that they are setting the pace for my own future goals makes it fun and has given us a springboard for other common interests.
The other day, I was running around the track at the High School and had such a flood of memories and emotions. Pretty sure the last time I ran on a track was in 1991 or 1992 when I was "on the track team" in high school. Back then, the coach would tell us to go run 3 miles around town and each time, we would run up the street to my friend Kathleen's grandma's house and eat cookies/watch TV for the length of time we *thought* it might take us to run those 3 miles. Not sure, but that might be why we rarely won a race and the only time we did win was a day when we gorged ourselves on junk food right before running.
But, the other day, each lap brought a new memory and each lap brought a new sense of achievement and pride because I know that I never could have run 3.3 miles at 15, but here I was at 34, running like it was the most natural thing in the world. I'm pretty sure I could have kicked that 15 year old's ass if she was running along side me. :-)
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